New White Paper by MindRight Health Reveals Promising Data for Startup’s Unique Text Message-Based Care Model for BIPOC You

Early findings show the company’s non-clinical care approach for BIPOC youth support outperforms industry standards.

Newark, NJ, September 26, 2023 – MindRight Health, the digital health startup on a mission to advance health equity and address the youth mental health crisis, has published a white paper revealing their text message-based coaching service’s success with BIPOC youth, surpassing industry standards in both retention and usage data. The findings present a clear case for culturally responsive, nonclinical modalities as a first-line preventative approach for addressing mental health concerns among the BIPOC and Medicaid-eligible youth population.

The white paper, titled Beyond Clinical Boundaries: Fostering BIPOC Youth Wellness through MindRight Health’s Culturally Responsive Care: 

  • shows that non-traditional support is essential for BIPOC communities in light of the historical damage that traditional mental healthcare has done to BIPOC communities

  • reflects how shifting racial and ethnic power dynamics can lead to higher rates of engagement in mental healthcare

  • highlights how crucial it is that our mental healthcare system elevates providers and solutions that are BIPOC-led

Even with the rise of digital health startups, the paper points out how few companies focus on nonclinical support for BIPOC, Medicaid-eligible youth. “MindRight Health was founded to explicitly meet the needs of the most marginalized communities by understanding that healing can look different than traditional Western approaches” - Ashley Edwards, Founder and Chief Executive Officer. 

Key findings from the paper include:

  • just 13% of MindRight members drop off after their first coaching session- a number much lower than previously reported mental health treatment drop-out rates of approximately 61% for African American youth and 50% for Hispanic American youth.

  • 100% of members who opted to complete at least two Short-Warwick Edinburgh Wellbeing Scale [SWEMWS] surveys, reported a significant increase in their personal wellness scores.

  • MindRight Health’s members continue to work with coaches for an average span of 7 months, with the most active members using MindRight’s daily support for over 5 years.

Although MindRight’s retention data and usage data are outperforming industry standards, factors like a post-pandemic reduction in Medicaid coverage can lead to companies like MindRight Health being overlooked relative to traditional clinical providers. Thus this new white paper serves as a rallying call for Medicaid decision-makers and policy leaders to address the specific needs of BIPOC youth while also uncovering critical insights into the inadequacies of the current mental health landscape. By acknowledging the historical reliance of BIPOC communities on non-clinical modalities, such as community care and culturally-based practices, MindRight Health continues to advance its vision for a future where marginalized communities possess fair and equitable access to tools and technology for their healing and well-being.

To celebrate the launch of the white paper and in honor of World Mental Health Day on October 10, 2023 MindRight Health is hosting a Community Conversations Event alongside a panel of behavioral health leaders, advocates, and investors to discuss the white paper's central findings.

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For more information about MindRight Health and to access the complete white paper, please visit: For organizations seeking to provide MindRight Health’s coaching services to their members please contact us at or email us at


About MindRight Health

MindRight Health, a tech startup dedicated to advancing health equity by making mental health support accessible and inclusive, partners with Medicaid and commercial health plans to provide nonclinical mental health support. Unlike existing services, Mindright meets youth where they are by providing culturally-responsive mental health coaching over text message. MindRight conducts daily check-ins to create access to a continuum of support that doesn’t usually exist for our communities. For more information,

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